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Happiness can be hiked!

Nature experience spots in the Ausseerland Salzkammergut

Collecting beautiful moments can be so simple: In the Ausseerland Salzkammergut, happiness is everywhere.
There are over 200 “places of happiness” identified by geomancers, local historians, and residents.
Divided into natural experience spots, cultural and sacred sites, as well as legendary places, each one offers a unique and special experience.

But what makes these places so unique? It’s simple: they evoke a special sense of harmony within us, awaken pleasant memories, and allow visitors to feel joy and a deep sense of well-being.

„Amidst unspoiled nature, you’ll experience your very own moment of happiness in the Ausseerland.“
Places of happiness in the natural landscapes of the Ausseerland

Nature experience spots in the Ausseerland Salzkammergut

Cultural and sacred sites in the Ausseerland

Sacred sites have often been used by Christians for many years for special occasions and holy ceremonies. These places are typically home to churches, monasteries, chapels, or wayside shrines, and even today, weddings are occasionally held there.

Monasteries and churches were often built on the ruins of Roman foundations. In this way, knowledge about the power of certain places was continuously passed down through the centuries and used for the construction of cultural monuments.

Legendary places in the Ausseerland

Mystical and healing waters like those in Bad Heilbrunn or at Lake Kammersee, the "speaking stone" in the Totes Gebirge, and magical creatures like dwarves and witches – every place in the Ausseerland Salzkammergut has its own story.
With a little imagination, visitors can immerse themselves in another world at these legendary sites and enjoy truly magical experiences.

Active holidays in the Ausseerland