© Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder

Excursions in the Thermen- & Vulkanland

Every holiday involves a culinary discovery or two that you won’t forget in a hurry. Visitors will savour the memory of the Zotter Chocolate Factory, where you can “nibble” your way through the history of chocolate from the cocoa bean to the finished product. Of course, that’s not the only gourmet world to invite you to sample its delicious products – there’s also the Vulcano Ham Manufactory, for example, and Gölles Manufacturing for fine vinegars and fruit brandies as well.

However, it’s not just the culinary treasures of the region that delight visitors both young and old... There’s also a whole host of fascinating wonders to explore in art & culture (just take the Schlösserstraße “Castle Road”, for example), handicrafts, nature & adventure too!

Take a look here to find your own personal highlights for your next holiday in Southeast Styria.

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Stadtpfarrkirche Feldbach | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

Stadtpfarrkirche zum Heiligen Leonhard

The parish church of St. Leonhard of Feldbach is located on the church square between the Museum im Tabor and Villa...
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Obsthof Kaufmann | © Obsthof Kaufmann
  • open today
  • Feldbach

Obsthof Kaufmann

Pure apple juices, delicious mixed fruit juices, fruity nectars, natural apple juice-based iced teas and sparkling...
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Kunstgießerei Loderer | © Kunstgießerei Loderer
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  • Feldbach

Kunstgießerei Paul Loderer

For over 90 years, the company has been engaged in art foundry. The offer ranges from plaster, wax and sand to metal...
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Stadtgemeinde Feldbach | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
  • open today
  • Feldbach

Tennis und Tischtennis in Feldbach

There are a total of 29 tennis courts in the municipality of Feldbach.
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Bierflaschensammlung Pfeifer | © Prof. Johann Schleich
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  • Feldbach

Bierflaschensammlung Pfeifer

In Wetzelsdorf near Feldbach there is a house that is inconspicuous from the outside, but inside you will find more...
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Kieslingerhaus schlichtBarock | © Privat
  • Feldbach

Kieslingerhaus Andreas Stern

Living space design Andreas Stern in the venerable Kieslingerhaus.
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Flusslandschaft Raab | © Tourismusverband Feldbach/ B. Bergmann
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  • Feldbach

Flusslandschaft Raab in Feldbach

Linger on the banks of the Raab, take a break and let the tranquility of the flowing water take over...  
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view of the castle Kornberg
  • Riegersburg

Kornberg Castle

The Renaissance castle Kornberg with its wild romantic castle courtyard is very popular as an excursion destination and...
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Erstes steirisches Rotkreuz-MuseumRotkreuz_Museum2 | © Erstes steirisches Rotkreuz-Museum
  • open today
  • Feldbach

Erstes steirisches Rotkreuz-Museum

The museum informs about the historical development of the medical service in Austria as well as about the special...
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Kunsthalle Feldbach | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
  • Feldbach

Kunsthalle Feldbach

"Art should move people. It is a part of man, like religion or politics. Without art, life would be very bland." (Dr....
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Backstube | © Einfach Fitz I Jean van Lüllik
  • open today
  • Feldbach

Einfach Fitz - Die Zuckerbäcker

That's where the "Feldbach Karamell" come from: delicately melting and made by hand. Dominik Fitz created this sweet...
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Schauraum der Stadtpfarre Feldbach | © Schauraum der Stadtpfarre Feldbach
  • open today
  • Feldbach

Schauraum der Stadtpfarre Feldbach

In the manner of a spiritual treasury, after climbing almost hidden, winding staircases, sacred objects, chalices,...
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